Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, November 11, 2022
My Children, Also This Evening I Come to Ask You for Prayer, Prayer for This World More and More Shrouded in Darkness
Message from Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of November 8, 2022

This evening Mama showed up all dressed in white. The mantle that wrapped Her was also white, thin, wide, and the same mantle also covered Her head. Mama had Her arms outstretched in welcome. In Her right hand was a long crown of the holy rosary, white as of light that reached almost down to Her feet.
On Her chest, Mama had a heart of flesh crowned with thorns, on Her head a crown of twelve stars.
Her feet were barefoot and rested on the world. On the world, there was the serpent like a dragon, shaking its tail loudly. Mama was holding him down with Her right foot. He emitted great cries and hunted drool from his mouth. Mama pressed Her foot harder and slightly made a small movement with Her right hand where She had the crown, She did not rest it on him, but only made the gesture. He let out a cry and then was silent.
Praise be to Jesus Christ
Dear children, thank you for being here in My blessed forest. Thank you for responding and accepting this call of Mine.
Children, I am here because I love you, I am here because of God's immense mercy.
God loves you and desires that each of His children be saved.
My children, also this evening I come to ask you for prayer, prayer for this world more and more shrouded in darkness.
Mama told Me : "Daughter look and let us pray together."
I first began to see the Heart of the Virgin Mary throbbing strongly, stronger and stronger. I could clearly feel the beats of Her heart. The face of the Virgin was very sad. Then I began to see scenes of war, violence, children dying because of war, women and men prostituting themselves. All that is evil, as I watched and prayed with Mama. The scenes kept flowing before Me. The face of the Virgin Mary became streaked with tears and sad.
Then a dead silence, She looked at Me without speaking.
Then She brought Her left hand to Her heart, then resumed speaking.
My children, how much evil, how much pain, how many horrors on this earth.
Beloved children, also this evening I come to ask you for prayer. Let your life be prayer. For a long time I have been here in your midst, for a long time I have been saying to you, "Hard times await you." Children, do not be afraid, if I tell you certain things it is to prepare you, not to terrify you.
I am the Queen of Peace, I am your Mama and I desire your salvation.
Please children, do not wait any longer, but convert.
Then Mama extended Her hands and blessed everyone.
In the name of the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.